Poet's corner

Sparrow Red Breast


Crimson breast beneath a Sparrow’s wing,
Whoever heard of such a thing!
Its breast aflame in glory red,
Did it happen after being fed?
Did an airborne skirmish wound its chest,
Discoloring its under crest?
Many questions do arise,
I  know the answer; it’s no surprise! 

Let me tell the best I can.
It started when the rain began,
Then wind increased in vigorous speed,
And threatened birds began to heed,
Excepting Macho Robin, out on stroll,
Caring naught for thunder’s roll!
In helter-skelter his friends took flight,
But not Macho Robin; in him no fright!

The night grew darker, with rain-swept gale,
A not so Macho Robin soaked and pale,
Now frightened, tweeted “I  should  have  flown
When others left straight for home!”
So now in haste began his quest,
To find for now, a borrowed  nest.
A nest was found; it  seemed  so shallow,
He plopped right in on top a Sparrow! 

“Excuse me please” the Robin said,
“Just for tonight may I share your bed?”
“I’ll have you know” said the frightened “Ms.”
I simply do not go for “this!”
Alas possessing more composure,
Ms. Sparrow said in calm disclosure
“Because the weather is  very  crude,
You may stay the night, but don’t be rude!” 

You may have guessed, but let me tell,
Between those two, things went very well!
They warmed their nest in sweet romance,
That left the Sparrow in a trance!
When morning came the Robin parted,
Quite content with what they started!
In time a baby Sparrow raised its head,
To proudly show his breast of red!

Poet's corner, Bruce Snowden
