Calling the kettle black?


To the editor:

(re: “Democrats were embarrassing during Brett Kavanaugh hearing,” Oct. 18)

In response to John ODonohue, who thinks Democrats “were embarrassing during Brett Kavanaugh hearing,” I am no fan of the Democrats, and certainly not of Hillary Clinton, who was an establishment/big business politician. But no support of the evil clown in the top office should speak of “embarrassing” behavior.

Nor should he write of the goal of the Democrats to “delay, delay, delay no matter who gets hurt,” after Republicans refused to hear Merrick Garland, Obama’s nominee, for 11 months, so that they could appoint a hard right-winger such as Kavanaugh.

The main objection to Kavanaugh was first his fanatical pro-business, anti-worker, anti-women’s rights, pro-executive power view, which were well established. The scandal of his history of sexual assault (appointed by a president who has boasted of his own sexual assaults) was yet another reason to reject him.

Mr. ODonohue criticizes the Democrats for not following “the art of compromise.” On the contrary, the problem with the Democrats is that they compromise all too much and too often with the Republicans, and the big business establishment behind both of them.

Wayne Price

Wayne Price,
