Ways to make bridges walkable again


To the editor:

(re: “Cyclists, walkers set to lose vital bridge path for months,” Feb. 22)

I have walked over the bridge on the Upper East Side road many times … except I never reach land.

I have walked from Riverdale toward Manhattan on the east side of the upper roadway only able to view the police station many times. The problem is that there is a gate that stops people from completing the walk to Manhattan. The police station restricts further access.

The solution? Build a temporary walkway over the railing on the east side of the bridge, or temporarily remove the railing in this section, and then build a staircase down to the wooded area below. Do this before the walkway reaches the police station.

Every year when I go watch the New York City Marathon at West 72nd Street in Central Park, I walk over a temporary bridge over the marathon roadway so that people can get from the east side to the west side. We can do this here in Riverdale.

It will cost a small amount of money to build such a staircase. People who regularly use the bridge by walking or biking deserve nothing less.

Please, let’s fix this now.

David Bush

David Bush
