Where were my responses?


To the editor:

(re: “Inclusive board meeting came with a price,” Aug. 2)

As a longtime Community Board 8 member who was interviewed by the editor, Michael Hinman, via email for the recent article, I was not surprised that my responses did not appear in the article. After all, they did not fit Mr. Hinman’s narrative that something egregious had happened.

While on vacation with my grandchildren (a fact that I shared), I received three emails from the editor, badgering me with “gotcha” questions. For the record, I responded that I was aware of the $1,300 expenditure, that the board was within its rights to expedite the ULURP meeting requirements, and that in my view, his line of inquiry was “much ado about nothing.”

We elected Rosemary Ginty chair as well as our officers (all unpaid volunteers) to take care of Community Board 8’s operations and obligations. We rely on their good judgment.

There’s something rotten in Denmark when the editor of The Riverdale Press writes three unbalanced negative editorials about Community Board 8, and particularly, chair Rosemary Ginty, all within three months.

Laura Spalter

The author is chair of Community Board 8’s environment and sanitation committee.

Laura Spalter
