To the editor:
(re: “Dinowitz doesn’t represent this community’s values,” Sept. 21)
“There are some serious letter writers. There are critiques. There are ad hominem attackers. And there are cranks who all write letters to this esteemed newspaper.
“The cranks are well-known. They repeatedly show up trotting out the same arguments, no matter the topic: ‘I’m right, you’re a (fill in the blank).’ Critiquers offer positive alternatives to problems presented. And serious letter writers all keep a civil tone, free of vitriol.
“The ad hominem attackers, though, are disturbing.”
Those words were written by Adam Stoler and published in The Riverdale Press in 2019. I agree with them. But do you know who doesn’t? Adam Stoler.
Stoler’s ad hominem attack against Councilman Eric Dinowitz was truly disgusting. It was personal, and it just was not true. For example, Stoler starts his letter by calling Eric a “failed teacher,” without saying anything to back up that false statement. Eric, in fact, was a highly regarded special education teacher for more than 13 years. He was so dedicated to his students that he even taught himself Spanish so he could communicate with his students’ parents.
Stoler raises several issues, claiming Eric has done nothing about them in his four short months as a city councilman. Among those issues were the bank that left Knolls Crescent, and defending union jobs at the Key Food at Skyview. Perhaps his memory is cloudy, because Eric was vocal on these issues — as reported by The Press and other publications.
The issues he raises, while important, didn’t just arise during these four months.
The ridiculous attack he makes on the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club uses the same tired, old platitudes used to demean opponents such as “machine,” “dynasty” and “old boys’ network” that are often used in partisan attacks, but say very little.
The fact is that these issues were litigated in not one, but two, elections earlier this year. The voters elected Eric Dinowitz by landslides both times. The voters spoke loudly and clearly, and resoundingly rejected the below-the-belt attacks on Eric and his family twice. The voters aren’t as stupid as Stoler seems to think they are.
Have some respect for the democratic process!
The personal attacks by Stoler against Eric Dinowitz are bad enough. But given Stoler’s own words that I have quoted to open this letter, the words that come to mind are “petty,” “angry,” “disingenuous” — and most of all, “hypocritical.”
Fredda Tourin