Don’t forget about the pedestrians


To the editor:

(re: “Riverdale Avenue lane narrowing’s final act,” Sept. 22)

Your recent story focuses on traffic congestion, noxious fumes in the area of Riverdale Park Apartments. No mention is made of the serious risk of a human tragedy as parents cross Riverdale Avenue mid-block with their children between the double- and triple-parked cars at P.S. 81 twice a day at school arrival and dismissal.

This has been the common practice for the nearly 20 years that I’ve lived in the area. I live in Skyview, and avoid driving in the vicinity of P.S. 81 at school dismissal.

There has always been a very capable crossing guard on the corner of West 256th Street and Riverdale Avenue.

I urge parents to use the standards of safe pedestrian behavior at school dismissal, as they do elsewhere — walk to the corner, cross when the crossing guard tell you.

I realize it would be a change in the way things have customarily been done, as parents continually feel pressured for time.

A motor vehicle accident with people injured or killed would be a tragedy for anyone involved, and for the community as a whole.

Diane Vigliarolo

Riverdale Avenue, road diet, narrowing, pedestrians, Diane Vigliarolo
