Let's work together to stay great


To the editor:

(re: “Here I am, jumping for joy,” March 17)

Actually, this letter should be addressed “Dear Judi Veder.”

It’s great to see a letter from you again, and to know that you are well and about to travel to Florida.

Apropos to your “neighborhood issues” and “complaints I want heard,” allow me to add a few of my own in the hope that our community members can respect each other in order to make things better for all of us.

In no special order:

To the dog walkers: It’s commendable that you clean up after your dogs. But please don’t deposit your baggies of dog waste in private trash cans. The sanitation workers don’t remove them from the trash cans when they remove our garbage, so we have to deal with your dog’s waste.

Please use the public trash cans. And a hint to the powers that be: Please provide more public trash cans!

To the graffiti “artists” who have reappeared in force to satisfy their emotional needs by “decorating” lamp posts, telephone poles and traffic control boxes with their signatures, messages and drawings: Find a non-public place to satisfy your needs. To the powers that be: We need a neighborhood cleanup to remove the graffiti.

To the people who advertise their garage sales and other events by (illegally) posting their ads on public lamp posts, telephone poles and the like — and then neglect to remove these ads after the sale or event? Put an ad in The Riverdale Press instead.

To the many folks who park their cars or sit in their cars in residential areas in front of fire hydrants, and especially to those folks who leave their cars running while standing in front of the hydrants: You are wasting gas and polluting the air. By blocking the hydrants, you are endangering the lives and property of everyone who is served by these hydrants.

If you are in a residential area like North Riverdale, you can find many legal parking spaces on the street — but that does not include blocking private driveways.

Let’s work together to keep Riverdale the desirable community that we all enjoy.

Vivian Oleen

Have an opinion? Share your thoughts as a letter to the editor. Make your submission to letters@riverdalepress.com. Please include your full name, phone number (for verification purposes only), and home address (which will not be published). The Riverdale Press maintains an open submission policy, and stated opinions do not necessarily represent the publication.
Vivian Oleen,
