Race wasn't part of this


To the editor:

(re: “Holocaust column crosses decency line,” Feb. 10)

This is in response to a letter which criticized Charles Moerdler’s Point of View from the Jan. 27 edition.

In particular, Ms. Jaqueline Cornelia Van Voorst criticizes his views by stating “the equation of women of color in Congress with the Einsatzgruppen is a piece of disgraceful hyperbole.” She goes on to say Mr. Moerdler was, in some fashion, twisting historical tragedy.

When comparing The Squad to the anti-Semites of Nazi Germany — right or wrong — Mr. Moerdler never referred to The Squad with any reference to the color of their skin, their background or race. The point was that members of The Squad were compared to the Nazis as being people in power, as part of the government that were anti-Semitic — or otherwise echoing the Nazi playbook.

Thus, it is the response that is twisting facts, by bringing in the race of The Squad members — something quite irrelevant to the point being made by Mr. Moerdler — that The Squad (comprises of government officials), like the Nazis, is antisemitic.

Philip Wasserman

Have an opinion? Share your thoughts as a letter to the editor. Make your submission to letters@riverdalepress.com. Please include your full name, phone number (for verification purposes only), and home address (which will not be published). The Riverdale Press maintains an open submission policy, and stated opinions do not necessarily represent the publication.
Philip Wasserman,
