Some musings about the autumn


To the editor:

So far to date, I have received nine calendars with wonderful pictures of birds and animals I can only dream of seeing, of places to go that I will not ever visit, and those with religious days I might and might not observe.

Are these telling me something?

I have also received a million options to buy back to school items — I am never ever going back to school.

I have been given the chance to cure diseases with a grab to a belly, a rinse in pool, to get new dentures in the Bronx, a hearing aid guaranteed to make my life better, and the option to take surveys, which culminate in contributions and do not allow my opinions without that.

All this makes me laugh, and laughing is good. Better than good. I hope I will laugh this winter.

Right now there is still a crowing rooster that does not make for laughter.

There are still parked cars on the street forever. Construction is never ending in my building and those around me.

Maybe the cars have slowed a bit?

My pool was a refuge in this time of the “myth” of global warming and war. But now that Labor Day has come, it closed. Will my Zooming take its place? Will I be able to see my pals?

I am writing cards thanking the voters of Georgia for their first or previous votes, and urging them to vote Nov. 8.  I will make phone calls soon for whatever cause needs me.

This is what life is lately. And as requested by my neighbors and poolmates, I will write to you, The Riverdale Press, as often as I can. 

Thanks for putting me in print.

Judith Veder

Judith Veder, autumn
