To the editor:
Dare I? Yes. I insist Trump fans not forget the fallout of his dangerous actions on covid deaths, climate catastrophe, hate and threats to democracy. Take off your MAGA caps and say, “Enough!”
Those were my words imploring Trump supporters to dump Trump in my letter to the editor of The Riverdale Press, published April 30, 2023.
Now, it’s happening. Increasing numbers of GOP members have turned away from Trump; a few current and former Republicans spoke at the Democratic National Convention. These included former Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who had already addressed a Republicans For Harris group online. On the last night of the convention, he said, “Democracy knows no party.”
Kinzinger fervently urged Republicans to “vote for our bedrock values and vote for Kamala Harris.”
A message from John Giles, mayor of Mesa, Arizona, was similar.
In a video shown early at the DNC, Rich Logis, a conservative commentator from Florida, who describes himself as an “ex-MAGA activist,” explained why he made a “grave mistake” in voting for Trump in 2020, something he later realized in 2022. Reasons he cited included Trump’s failure to provide leadership during the covid pandemic.
My 2023 letter was spurred by the conviction of Trump in the hush money case. I gave examples of Trump’s gross missteps as president, regarding not only covid, but also pulling out of the Paris Accords to combat climate change, welcoming an anti-Semite and a white supremacist to dinner, inspiring supporters to storm the Capitol, and stealing classified documents from the government — and storing them in a Mar-a-Lago bathroom, no less.
Since then, Trump has progressively shown how unfit he is for the job of president of our great country. No need for examples here — they’re reported on the news and repeated in our conversations daily.
And who has finally made it so MAGA people are pulling out of the Trump camp? None other than a smart, accomplished, vibrant woman; Kamala Harris.
How refreshing is her warm smile in stark contrast to the trademark Trump scowl?
Trump is apparently afraid of Harris. Trump is lying about the sizes of his rallies and downplaying her crowds by saying AI altered them. He says he is better looking than Harris. Of course. How could a mixed-race woman from the middle class possibly upstage the star of The Apprentice? What a sore loser.
Hopefully, he will indeed lose in November and retreat to Venezuela as he recently suggested he would, because life under its dictatorship would be safer than in the U.S., as he says.
Okay. Adios.
But first, more Trump fans must say “enough,” take off their MAGA caps, and vote for Kamala Harris.
Muriel Adams