Taking a trip down memory lane


To the editor:

One of the joys of getting a used record player in the very old days was that it often came with a collection of old 78 rpm records.

When I was a child, that was how I was introduced to the famous vaudeville duo Gallagher & Shean.

Some of their discs were in a used record player my family got at the end of the 1930s. In their theme song, Gallagher described his coming to the rescue when a rowboat containing a pretty woman sank.

After describing how he, Gallagher, dove in and dragged her up on shore, he  proclaims, “Now, she’s mine forevermore,”

Shean asks, “What, the lady Mr. Gallagher?” Who replies, “No, the rowboat, Mr. Shean.”

Alan Saks

Allan Saks, Gallagher & Shean,
