To the editor:
I’m writing you this letter with the hope that you will consider investigating Hampton Management Co., LLC/Olnick Organization for its perennial lack of adequate heat during the dead of winter to tenants who live inside The Century at 2600 Netherland Ave.
My husband and our three children have lived inside The Century for six years and the heat diminishes every winter. On a scale where 10 is exceptional, the heat this winter has been a consistent three. The heat weakens overnight and by morning, unheated air spews from the convectors. We slept under three blankets last night.
Please note there are elderly and young individuals who line in the building and the lack of adequate heating could pose a possible health risk to them. The heat flow, considering the climate conditions, should be robust, not as weak as a newborn baby’s breath.
I have asked multiple tenants if they are getting enough heat in their apartment, their response is univariably, “no.” And whenever I complain about the lack of heat to management, it’s always a variation of “the provided heat is within legal guidelines,” – an arrogant let-them-eat-cake attitude, especially when wind-chill readings reach single digits. The building’s tenant’s association was disbanded last year so there is no entity to advocate on behalf of the tenants who live here. I filed an anonymous complaint via 311 about this ongoing situation.
I realize you don’t typically investigate such cases, but I suspect there are other tenants living in high-end Hampton Management apartments who are not getting adequate heat but are not in a position to do anything about it.
A landlord is obligated to provide adequate and consistent heat to its tenants during winter months no matter how high or low the rent.
I hope you will consider my investigation request serious enough to follow up on. Thank you for advocating for our powerless consumers.