Disagrees on redistricting, toll rebate


(Re: “Time For Honest Redistricting,” Dec. 21).

To the Editor:

If Mr. Larry Penner were to engage in “research” (a word foreign to his vocabulary) as opposed to “speaking off the top of his head” (words very familiar to him), he would discover the League of Women Voters has a 256-page policy paper. He would also discover LWV espouses such very liberal issues as gun control and reproductive rights (abortion).

I am not criticizing LWV. It appears to be a fine, populist organization. But unlike Mr. Penner alleges, it is anything but non partisan.

As for “Agrees rebate is only start,” Dec. 21, Dr. Paul Chrzanowski, the author’s sense of entitlement is palpable.

He doesn’t mention his age, any infirmities he and/or his wife suffer, or where he commutes to. It is difficult to judge his/his wife’s need. As for his 15-minute walk to the 1 train did anything prevent him from moving somewhere that is not a “transit desert?”  As for the 1 train, I lived across the Harlem River from the 1 for 17 years before divorcing my wife and moving to Parkchester. I used it quite frequently. I found it to be generally very reliable and speedy. At 96th Street you can switch to the 2 and 3 express. Dr. Chrzanowski’s excuse about the 9 train is just that: an excuse. 

I commute every day from the Bronx to Brooklyn and back. I am 61 years old. The vast majority of the time I walk to the subway for 10 minutes and take two trains to work. In the evening I reverse the process. Some commutes are excellent, some average, some miserable. As miserable as the train ride can sometimes be, you could not pay me to negotiate the Bronx and Manhattan am and pm rush hour traffic.

I am not in favor of congestion pricing. But reading opinion pieces from apparently self entitled people such as Chrzanowski could cause me to rethink my position.


Nat Weiner

Nat Weiner, Larry Penner, Dr. Paul Chrzanowski, Henry Hudson Bridge, politics, League of Women Voters
