We do deserve better storefronts


To the editor:

After several weeks away from Riverdale, upon my return I was gobsmacked to see a “smoke shop” had taken up residence on Riverdale Avenue.

As a constituent who has been vocal about the numerous empty storefronts that line Johnson and Riverdale avenues — not to mention West 235th Street, and the landlords getting tax write-offs on these locations — I’d love to know the backstory on this rental situation.

The Riverdale Press looked at this issue in a story last December referencing “warehouse landlords” (think Friedland Properties).

Why is it so hard for a bookstore, bakery, diner or health food store to get a toe-hold in our community? Many people don’t have cars and depend on hyperlocal businesses. They would welcome these establishments.

Is it because of exorbitant rents?

Meanwhile, how about a landlord using their empty real estate for a pop-up cultural space and getting rewarded for that? I realize that doesn’t fit in with the goal of making a buck, but it’s a thought.

We have several excellent new restaurants and coffee/tea bars that have chosen to put down roots in Riverdale. They are currently growing their clientele.

The bottom line is the community deserves better than a place to buy vapes and bongs.

Marcia Yerman

Marcia Yerman, storefront, Riverdale Avenue, smoke shop,
