What about the Palestinians?


To the Editor:

We are deeply disappointed by The Riverdale Press’ coverage of the Israel-Hamas War.  We too grieve for those whose lives have been devastated in Israel, as well as for our many Riverdale neighbors who mourn the tragic deaths and displacement of their family and friends. 

Yet we are amazed that there is no mention of the many thousands of Palestinian deaths and displacement!  No names, no stories.  Most Press’ articles seem to echo Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz’ words: “The people who did this are evil, they’re animals.” 

Revenge is not a pathway to peace.  When we dehumanize others, we cannot share their pain. Indeed, we cannot seek reconciliation if “they” are “animals.”  

We urge The Riverdale Press to call for ceasefire now, to allow those who believe in the shared humanity of Israelis and Palestinians to build bridges that end this dreadful war.

Margery Freeman Billings

Margery Freeman, Jeffrey Dinowitz, Palestinians, Israel, Gaza, Hamas, ceasefire
