I’m the only candidate who vows to fight for you


We want change. We want leadership. This is our chance.

I’m not a politician. I’m a social worker and an adjunct professor at Columbia University. I’m also the anti-party machine candidate in this race who can win.

I have been endorsed by former councilman Oliver Koppell, and by 21 in ’21 — an organization created by former city council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito to elect more women to the city council.

I’ve also been endorsed by the National Association of Social Workers-NYC PAC, Vote Pro Choice, Voters for Animal Rights, the League of Humane Voters, and the NYC Kids PAC.

During my career, I have led teams of social workers and volunteers at the Bronx family court to advocate for children and families. I have fought for the rights of crime victims and those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. I have spent a career getting results for my clients and working with city agencies to get things done — from the education department to the aging department.

And I have assisted children who have been involved with the child welfare system and the criminal legal system.

I’m a mother of three, a public school parent, a military spouse, and a longtime Riverdale resident. My children go to school here in Riverdale. Their pediatrician is here. I’ve led several parents groups in our community. And I’m a member of my building’s co-op board.

After decades of insider politics, our community wants an outsider. I know this because of what I hear on the campaign trail, and the support you’ve given me throughout this campaign.

Despite being the political outsider in this race, more people from our community have donated to my campaign than to any other candidate. Even with the help of his father and his political machine, I have outraised Eric Dinowitz. I have taken no money from real estate developers, and I’ve taken no money from the fossil fuel industry.

My campaign is 100 percent grassroots, funded by you. And only you.

Other candidates in this race have a history of supporting the Independent Democratic Conference — dissident Democratic senators who helped Republicans control the state senate for years. For almost a decade, the IDC kept the minimum wage down, opposed tenants’ rights, and opposed the protection of women’s rights.

I have always supported true Democrats. As your councilwoman, I will only support Democrats because I believe in Democratic Party values.

As a political outsider, I will always have the independence to do what’s right.

When I’m at City Hall fighting for our community, I won’t first have to check with my father or his friends in Albany before making a decision.

I’ll be there fighting for you. And only you.

I’ll be fighting for working families and those on fixed incomes who struggle month after month to make ends meet, making New York truly affordable for all.

I’ll be fighting for our children, to make sure each one has the opportunity to thrive.

I will fight overdevelopment and ensure the voices of our community members are always heard.

I will fight to protect our quality of life, and ensure nobody in our community has to fear walking down the street, or taking the train.

Most importantly, I’ll be fighting to create a city that respects each and every one of us, and ensures everyone is treated equally under the law.

When you head to the polls, please make me your No. 1 choice. As your councilwoman, you will be the only person I will be fighting for.

The author is a city council candidate in the June 22 primary.

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Abigail Martin,
