Lehman College graduates


First name                                  Last name                           Major

Miriam                                       Ayala                                  Counselor Education
Maribel                                      Beltrez                                             Social Work
Esther                                        Blanco                                                 Sociology
Aprile                                        Bufano                                                     English
Lakeisha                                    Capois                                               Social work
Derek                                        Cereola                                     Art N-12 teacher
Leslie                                         Chamorro                                          Social work
Alba                                          Cortorreal                                     Business admin
Zoe                                           Deroo                                                   Sociology
Sean                                          Diamond                                       Business admin
Barry                                         Dratel                                                  Economics
Abdelilah                                   Ennassef                                                          Art
Adelina                                      Estevez                                        English literature
Melissa                                      Fanelli                                                 Social work
Giselle                                       Fernandez                                           Social work
Adam                                        Gaddie                                                Mathematics
Kilvia                                        Garcia                                                         Biology
Kostas                                      Georgiadi                                     Science education
Jessica                                      Gonzalez                                                Social work
Sandra                                      Grant                                           Early childhood ed
Keri                                          Hall                                                                 Health
Jason                                        Holmes                                                     Accounting
Amanda                                    Johnson                                           English education
Chariez                                     Johnson                                                   Social work
Anastasia                                  Kikilo                                                       Accounting
Roberta                                    Klapper                                            Literacy teaching
Daniel                                       Loayza                                                              Music
Maria                                        Lopez                                                       Accounting
Walber                                     Lugo                                                    Business admin
Digna                                       Martinez                                                          Nursing
Sharon                                     Mast                                                               **Tesol
Erika                                        Matos                                                  Comp. graphics
Marta                                       Medina                                                                   Art
Steven                                      Moore                                                          Sociology
Tao                                          Moran                                          Elementary education
Beatrice                                   Moreno                                                      Public health
Sheeri                                      Novick                                                                     Art
Hilda                                        Nunez                                                            Sociology
Bryant                                      Ortiz                                                       Business admin
Maida                                      Ortiz                                                             Psychology
Marian                                     Patterson                                                         Sociology                                                                  
Charlene                                  Peralta                                              Diets/foods/nutrition
Justice                                     Ponquio                                                    Business admin
Mary                                       Purce-irizarry                                                    Sociology
Glendaly                                  Rodriguez
Cynthia                                    Rubiera                                                 Speech pathology
                                                                                                                         and audio
Abiel                                       Ruiz                                                                             Art
Jude                                        Rustin                                                                          Art
Alexander                               Sczesnak                                                        Mathematics
David                                      Segal                                                                        Music
Elias                                        Sideras                                                      English literature
Patrick                                    Stanley                                                           Social studies
Jooeun                                    Suh                                                                   Psychology
Terrice                                    Truesdale                                                                  Music
Lauren                                    Wexler                                                            Mathematics
Lisann                                     Woods                                               Mass communication
Amy                                        Wright                                                                      Music
Jessica                                     Ziel                                                                  Social work
Sarynes                                   Almonte                                                            Psychology
Jose                                        Arita                                                        Speech pathology
                                                                                                                           and audio
Vadim                                     Banshchikov                                                 Business admin
Laura                                      Bodden                                                                       Music
Henry                                      Chang                                                          Business admin,
                                                                                                                       business law
John                                        Delman                                                       English literature
Stephen                                   Dowling                                                      English literature
Perla                                       Encarnacion                                                        Accounting
Stephanie                                Georgiadis                                                     Business admin
Lindsey                                   Grela                                                                           Tesol
Bryan                                      Haley                                                                   Computing
                                                                                                                  and management

Rosalyn                                   Harrison-peronneau                                                      Public health
Angel                                      Hernandez                                                               Sociology
Ivan                                        Justo                                                                Business admin
Hyeonhye                               Lee                                                                             Nursing
Suhyun                                   Lee                                                                             Nursing
Spencer                                  Leeds                                                                 Social studies
Nadis                                     Ovalles                                                                         Spanish
Daniel                                    Pagan                                                                       Recreation
Jeannely                                 Peralta                                                                    Social work
Cynthia                                  Polk-allen                                                       Health education/
Jennifer                                  Reyes                                                                        Sociology
Rachel                                   Rodriguez                                                                Psychology
Gwendolyn                            Vandross                                                           Therapeutic rec
Yahaira                                  Vargas                                                               Business admin
Sabrina                                  Veloz                                                                        Early child
Marinelly                               Ventura                                                              Health services
Erica                                      Williams                                                        Nursing education
Rebecca                                Woods                                                                             Music
Laurie                                    Zolas                                                                          Sociology
Doris                                     Biggs                                                               Special education
Paula                                     Aisemberg                                                             Anthropology,
                                                                                                                    biology, chemistry
Jans                                       Cruz                                                                          Accounting
Mirlenia                                 Difo                                                              Mass communication
Peter                                     Egan Social studies
Taisian                                   Harris                                                                Science education
Nechama                               Hersh                                                              Spe-lang Pathology
William                                  Hurley                                                                                History
Magaly                                  Joaquin                                                                        Psychology
Delores                                 Johnson                                                 &nbs
