Give people a second chance


To the editor:

(re: “Be careful of what you wish for on elder parole,” Feb. 24)

I respectfully ask Jeffrey Dinowitz to reconsider his stand on elder parole.

May I remind him that a person is more than the worst act he or she has committed. That the stated purpose of incarceration is not simply punishment, but rehabilitation, with the goal of re-entering our society.

Incarcerated people are our family members.

Our citizens. It is inhumane to put them away and let them rot endlessly. When a person leaves prison, he faces nearly insurmountable obstacles: stigma, health issues, homelessness.

Add to that a person who is older than 55 and is seeking a job, and imagine how difficult that challenge is.

The elder parole bill does not assure release. It merely offers an opportunity for those 55 and older to be considered for parole.

So what is the great fear driving Mr. Dinowitz?

We must give people a second chance.

Penny Prince

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Penny Prince,
