Make CB8 meetings efficient


To the editor:

For some of you who take pleasure in the derailment of Community Board 8 meetings, take time to reconsider your commitment. Maybe you are busy and can’t prepare for a monthly meeting — that is, “I am just reading this now.” Or maybe, you think disrupting a meeting with confusing opposing remarks is normal, as one who first objected to tabling, and then complained about inadequate notice despite the bylaws.

Whatever the reason, these kinds of discussions are a waste of time for the community, as well as your neighboring board members. Be kind to us.

The general community board meeting should not be more than two hours — every 10 minutes you add to that discourages board members and the community at-large to remain. Instead, you should work within the extensive committee structure — that’s where resolution additions to the agenda belong.

Committees are where the public has a greater opportunity to participate in each of the resolutions that appear before the board. Last-minute additions without notice cut out the public. You don’t have to be on a committee to participate in the working of said committee.

Another point is to send individual complaints to the board office — that’s the quickest way to resolve issues, and it does not concern the rest of us. Once you work together, it will be easier for meetings to end on time.

Moreover, there seems to be a continuous refrain from many on certain topics despite being resolved at prior meetings. Just because one or two people object does not mean it should be repeated month after month. The general public does not know what your fuss is about.

By the way, community board votes are not consensus-based, but majority is the rule. Try to be respectful of other people’s time. Come prepared. Any important time-sensitive comments should be made to the leadership before the meeting.  Keep to the agenda, and not ask questions of items not part of the agenda. 

Speaking as a former chair and community board member, I know that the community appreciates the time and effort you all contribute to letting the City of New York know what is critical to their service to our district. I know I do. You do not have to speak at every meeting for us to recognize this commitment.

There is lots to be accomplished. 

As you know, the primary work of the community board is: land use, budget, and agency service delivery — complaints and levels of service. We have many challenges ahead: increase of flooding, crime, crowded streets, built environment; and, decrease of trees, parking, parkland — both causing the need for more parks, green and green infrastructure, schools, buildings, bus routes, etc. 

Of special note is Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, the Jerome Park Reservoir, the new linear park, and additional community centers.

Now is the time to take heed for the good of your community.  Thank you for your service. Be kind.

Karen Argenti

Karen Argenti, CB8, Community Board 8, bylaws
