Women given too much power


To the editor:

(re: “White men have no shortage of ‘problems,’” Dec. 9)

Robert A. Scott says “as long as we have a system of patriarchy — a system of power which men are paramount — we will have a ‘woman problem.’”

Those words express succinctly the magnitude of his — and Western man’s — ignorance of the obligation to women and children.

The Torah, Bible and Quran are just a few of the religious texts that clearly support and encourage patriarchy. All indigenous societies throughout the world were based on patriarchy. The atom and the solar system have patriarchal structures. The universe is patriarchal.

Let’s look at how the Western woman is faring in her non-patriarchal structure:

• Female cirrhosis of the liver is at an all-time high, probably caused by female high-risk drinking, which is also at an all-time high.

• Female lung cancer is at an all-time high.

• Sexually transmitted diseases are at an all-time high.

• Female depression is at an all-time high. One woman in four in the 30- to 40-year-old range takes anti-depressants. Women are also the largest consumers of sleeping pills.

• Female suicide is at an all-time high.

Breast cancer is the number one cause of cancer in the Western world, and in Europe as well. The effect on Western women caused by the lack of patriarchal influence in the past century has been devastating.

If mothers are not doing well, then children are not doing well either.

The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases being transferred to an unborn is increasing. Infants dying of syphilis are at an all-time high.

Children are dumped into preschool, in-school and after-school programs so mothers can do more important things like peddle their wares on the open market. If children don’t like that environment, they can join gangs. Gang membership increased 40 percent in a decade as children seek to get love and guidance denied to them by our non-patriarchal society.

Instead, they indulge in teenage sex, drugs and alcohol. By the time they reach adulthood, they end up in jail, if they have not been shot dead in the streets.

We live in a society of gross materialism where the measure of society is its gross domestic product, where people are focused on retirement plans, bonuses, and raises, and all sorts of material consideration.

The requirements for a happy, healthy and harmonious human environment are spiritual awareness, gender understanding and family focus. These three requirements are provided by a patriarchal structure.

The gross materialistic focus of the Western world is leading to its collapse. The obligation of men is to provide the structure and means for women to nurture the race as we proceed on our infinite spiritual journey.

George Silos

EDITOR’S NOTE: The author did not provide source material for many of the factual claims made here. Such representations should be treated as the author’s opinion.

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George Silos,
